HTML and CSS | Programming Notes and Flashcards
Learn the fundamentals - learn HTML and CSS
Whether you want to get into web development or simply get better at it, you will definitely profit from having a well-organized central system where you can learn and look up everything.
This bundle provides you with over 70+ pages and 500+ flashcards on every major concept of HTML and CSS.
You can also find lots of information on The HTML and CSS section is simply a part of a massive collection of notes and flashcards for various programming languages and technologies. You can find this section here at .✨
What´s included ?
Web Development Fundamentals
- HTTPS, Request, Response,
- Developer Tools
HTML Basics
- Tags , Attributes,
- Head Section,
- Text,Entities,
- Images
- Links
- Document Tree
- Class, ID
CSS Basics
- General, Selectors, Class and ID, Color, Font, Box Model ( marding, padding, border)
- Lists, Links, Videos, Forms
- Floating, Positioning, Custom Properties
- Pseudo-classes, Pseudo-elements
- Responsive design
- Full Website Example
CSS Advanced
- CSS Position
- CSS Display
- CSS Flexbox
- CSS Grid
- CSS Animation
- CSS Shadow
- CSS Curves
- Tailwind CSS
When purchasing, you will get a Notion website. You can either learn in the browser or download Notion and duplicate the content. You can get Notion here, it is free ! Notion is an incredbile Notetaking app millions of people use all around the world.
Within the website, , you will download an .apkg file. You can simply import this file into your Anki App. If you don ´t have Anki, you can simply download it here. It is an incredible flashcard App that uses advanced algorithms to make learning as efficient as possible.
Who am I ?
Hi , my name is Finn !
I like programming and making Notion templates. If you want to find out more about me, just visit my website, blog or Github profile. I see you there !
70 + Notion pages and 500 + Anki Flashcards that help you master HTML and CSS 🚀